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Machinery, Industrial Parts & Tools's blog

Learn the importance of advanced Precise Investment Casting

technology analysis Not far behind in precision casting of academic research in China, but translated into less productivity technology, domestic production was limited to a backbone enterprise of the high technical level, the overall level of backward, high energy consumption, poor economic performance, low quality of castings.

In terms of variety and quality is far from meeting the needs of new technology development; low production levels, quality of cast alloys; production management and process design based on your personal experience, computer technology less casting technology and equipment, such as poor infrastructure; high proportion of manual production process, field workers and low technical quality. Only a small group of large vehicles, internal combustion engine casting plant using advanced core-molding process.

And developed countries on the whole advanced casting technology, product quality, high production efficiency, supply of raw material has formed commercial series. Cast iron smelting using large, high efficiency, hot air outside dust removal, computer monitoring, non-cooling continuous operation of lining cupolas, widespread use of Foundry Coke, with duplex melting in cupola or cupola furnace, continuous desulphurization or shaking ladle desulphurization using nitrogen content of sulfur in liquid iron under 0.01%.